Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Club Eligibility Requirements
1. Please see the ARFAX Bylaws (Article III, Section 2) to review the membership requirements for a club wanting to join ARFAX. Once a member of ARFAX, a club must maintain its membership by paying its annual dues to remain eligible for play each year. Failure of any member club to pay the prescribed dues shall provide reason for suspension of the club and shall render void the voting power of the delegate representing that club (Bylaws, Article IV, Section 1).
2. Members of a suspended club may not play in team matches or tournaments for that year.
3. If a club has paid its yearly dues and cannot field a team, individual members may join ARFAX and play in tournaments during that year. The club should identify a Delegate to serve as a contact person and to retain their voting membership on the Executive Committee.
Member Eligibility Requirements
1. Annual (Jan 1 – Dec 31) individual membership fee is $40.
2. A player must be a woman golfer at least 18 years of age.
3. She must be a member of a women’s golf organization at a member club at the time she participates in any ARFAX events.
4. She must have an established 18-hole USGA handicap index based on a minimum of eight (8) 18-hole scores posted in the preceding (January 1 to December 31) year or a combined total of eight from that preceding year plus the current year. An existing ARFAX member who has not posted the minimum number of scores cannot play in ARFAX events until the eight-score minimum has been met.
5. The handicap index may not be greater than 38.0 to become a new member of ARFAX. A member who joined under the handicap index limit may maintain her membership for current and future years even if she exceeds that limit.
6. If a player belongs to more than one ARFAX-eligible club at the same time, she shall declare herself to be an active ARFAX member of one club only. Any change in that declaration in one season will require approval by the Executive Board.
7. Any past president of ARFAX shall be a lifetime member in the Association regardless of her handicap. In order to compete in Team competition, she must be a member of a recognized ARFAX club’s women’s golf association. In order to compete for prizes in any Cup tournament, including the President’s Cup, the past president must have an established USGA index. Past presidents will be responsible to pay team fees, cart fees and any other fees as required but no regular dues. All Past Presidents shall be invited to participate in the annual President’s Cup (lunch included) and shall be responsible for all other fees chargeable to other Cup participants.
Handicap Index and Posting Requirements
1. Handicaps will be computed using the player’s handicap index established 5 days before the event.
2. The maximum handicap index of 34.3 will be used for play.
3. A player unable to post eight (8) scores, as required, may submit a request to the Board with justification for a playing exemption.
4. Members are responsible for the accuracy of their handicap (USGA Rule 3.2c, 3.3b).
5. All members will be placed on teams using the November 15 VSGA index of the preceding year. However, the individual handicap index used for all team matches will be the player’s handicap index established 5 days before the event.
6. Scores for ARFAX stroke-play tournaments (Cup Tournaments, Two-Lady Better Ball, and President’s Cup) and Team matches are posted as competition (C) scores.
7. All rounds played under USGA rules, with a published course and slope rating played during the course-posting season, must be posted the day the round was played. In order to post a 9-hole score, all 9 holes with a published course and slope rating must be played. You may no longer play 7 holes and post a 9-hole score (as done in prior years). The 9-hole score will be used to systematically calculate an 18-hole differential. If a golfer plays at least 10 holes but less than 18, where there is a published course and slope rating, they must post their score hole-by-hole for the holes they played. Do not fill in any score for holes not played. Leave them blank. The World Handicap System will calculate an 18-hole differential. You do not need to play 14 holes (as was done in prior years).
8. If a player starts but does not complete a hole or is conceded a stroke, that player shall record for handicap purposes, the score she most likely would have made not to exceed Net Double Bogey.
9. Scores should be posted upon completion of play as handicaps are updated daily.
All participants must use and pay for club-provided carts.
Tournament Cancellations
1. If conditions unanticipated at the time of scheduling events arise, such as national emergencies or local health conditions, Tournaments and Team Play will be cancelled by the Board in consultation with the appropriate delegates, committee chairs, and tournament chairs.
2. The Board will communicate conditions with the membership using electronic messaging, including emails, website notices, etc.
3. Whenever possible, a 30-day notice will be given to avoid inconveniences to the host club.
4. When cancellation must be less than 30 days, the Board will contact the host club delegate and/or tournament chair directly.
5. Registration fees will be refunded to the members for any paid tournaments that are cancelled under this rule.
General Rules
1. Players must be in the staging area 15 minutes prior to posted starting time.
2. Players are responsible for knowledge of USGA Rules of Golf and should have a current copy of the rules book.
3. Players should mark their golf ball with a personal identification mark.
4. X’d out golf balls are not allowed, as they do not appear on the USGA conforming balls list.
5. No side games are allowed during ARFAX play.
6. Marshals and spotters (as required) should be provided by the host club.
7. All ARFAX events will be played according to USGA Rules of Golf, ARFAX rules and local rules. Host club will determine whether the ball is to be played as it lies. All ARFAX events will incorporate the Local Rule E-5…Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds.
8. Each member club has an estimated playing time for its course. Members should make every effort to play within the recommended time frame.
9. In the event of a tie, except in Team Match Play, card playoffs will be conducted by Golf Genius per USGA rules.
10. A smart phone or PDA may be used as a distance-measuring device provided it measures distance only. The phone or PDA may not be used for the act of gauging or measuring of conditions that might affect a player’s play (e.g. use of an anemometer or a thermometer). Accessing weather reports provided by a weather station does not constitute measuring or gauging conditions. (USGA Rules 4.3a.(1), 4.3a.(2)).
11. In order to speed pace of play during ARFAX Team Matches and Cup Tournaments, Division 4 teams and D Cup participants shall use the most forward tees available when approved by the pro shops at participating clubs. All other Division teams and Cup participants shall use the tees normally used for ARFAX events. If there are no approved tees more forward than normally used, all players shall play from the same tees.
12. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times. We are guests of our host club and should conduct ourselves in an appropriate manner, understanding and following the local rules of the club. Should there be issues of misconduct, they will be referred to the Executive Board. Penalties may include censure, suspension, or revocation of the privilege of playing in events.
13. All ARFAX tournaments shall award prizes in the form of a Pro Shop certificate from the Host Club that must be redeemed by December 1.
14. ARFAX does not promote charitable events to our membership.
15. Tournament entries must be submitted during the stated registration period. Early entries will not be accepted and will be returned to the member.
16. No refunds of entry fees shall be made after the registration deadlines for the Ice Breaker and Two-Lady Team Tournaments. A player who has registered but is unable to attend may find a substitute to take her place. As of 3/15/24
1. Online registration opens on the ARFAX website approximately 3 weeks prior to the scheduled Cup tournament and closes 2 weeks later. Registrations in excess of the tournament maximum will be placed on a wait list in the order received. Golf genius will fill any vacancies in order from the wait list up to 3 days prior to the event. Registration is not complete until players receive a confirmation email. Late entries will not be permitted. Lunch commitment will be considered final once registration is confirmed.
2. Players will register for a specific Cup Division based on their Handicap Index (HI) on the date they register. (A: 0-18.5, B: 18.6-22.4, C: 22.5-27.1, D:27.2-max) The Cup Chair will review all HI 5 days prior to the event and make appropriate changes as needed. She will notify the affected player prior to the event.
3. Cup sponsors are issued lunch invitations to the Cup tournament which they sponsor. Their lunch will be paid for by ARFAX and they will be invited to present the trophy they sponsor to the winner.
Tournament Scoring
1. Cup Tournaments are stroke play events using the player’s course handicap determined from the index established 5 days before the event.
2. Golf Genius will be used for official scorekeeping. One person in the group should keep the Golf Genius scores. A paper card with all players in the group will be kept by another member of the group. This card will be compared to the Golf Genius data for the official scoring after completion of the round.
3. The player keeping the paper card will sign it as the scorer. All players in the group will review the paper card and initial by their name at the completion of the round. This serves to attest the correctness of her hole-by-hole score and handicap. Failure to initial the card will result in a 2-stroke penalty for the individual player failing to initial the card. Should she be part of a card playoff, the penalty will be assessed on the last hole played by the golfer.
4. The marker will document the time the group tees off and the time the group completes the final hole on the scorecard.
1. A player five or fewer minutes late for her starting time will incur a two-stroke penalty (USGA RULE 5.3 Exception 1). A player more than five minutes late for her starting time will be disqualified (USGA RULE 5.3a). Starting time for ARFAX shotgun starts is determined to be when the carts leave the staging area.
2. If pro shop or ARFAX marshals are on the course, members will follow their guidance in the event of slow play.
1. In the event of severe weather conditions on the day of the scheduled Tournament, the Cup Chair may postpone the Cup Tournament after consulting with the ARFAX Delegate from the club where the Tournament is to be played.
2. If a Tournament is postponed, it will be completed on the stated rain date.
3. If weather problems delay starting play on the scheduled tournament date, a shortened tournament may be played, providing the same holes are played by all. For example, a nine-hole tournament using the front or back nine of a course could be played.
4. If severe weather creates a potentially dangerous situation, such as lightning, on the course, players must discontinue play immediately. Players may, but are not required to, mark their ball.
5. If weather conditions, such as heavy rain/hail/wind, make it impossible to continue playing the full 18 holes, players should complete the hole they are on. If they are unable to complete the hole due to deteriorating weather conditions, they should mark the ball and discontinue play.
6. If discontinued play is resumed on the same day, each player returns to her position and resumes play where her ball was previously marked. If the spot where the ball is to be placed is impossible to determine, it must be estimated, and the ball placed on the estimated spot. If the hole was completed before discontinuing play, play will resume on the next hole. A substituted ball, rather than the original ball, may be used in each of these cases.
7. If fewer than nine holes are played the tournament will resume on the published rain date. If at least 9 holes are completed but play cannot be resumed that day, the remaining holes will be calculated for the purpose of scoring the tournament as par plus any handicap strokes for each hole. For the purpose of posting, any unplayed holes will be left blank and the handicap system will calculate the scores for these holes per the new handicap rules. Individual players will post their own score in Golf Genius hole-by-hole.
Tie Breaking
1. Full handicap strokes will be given in accordance with the scorecard.
2. Handicap strokes will not be used to determine gross winners.
3. All ties will be resolved by a card playoff using USGA rules. The runner up in the tie breakers will take the next prize for which she is eligible.
4. The USGA Rules, Committee Procedures III, Section 5A (6) recommended method of matching cards will be used to break any ties. The winner is determined by:
• Best score on the last 9 holes (minus 1/2 handicap); if still tied go to
• Best score on the last 6 holes (minus 1/3 handicap); if still tied go to
• Best score on the last 3 holes (minus 1/6 handicap); if still tied go to
• Best score on the 18th hole; if still tied go to
• Best score on the first 9 holes; if still tied go to
• Best score on the last 6 holes of the front nine; if still tied go to
• Best score on the last 3 holes of the front nine; if still tied go to
• Best score on the 9th hole; if still tied flip a coin
5. In a competition using multiple tee starts, the last nine holes, last six holes, etc., are considered to be holes 10-18,13-18, etc.
1. Using USGA Rule 20.1c – Rules Issues in Stroke Play, a player may complete the hole with two balls without penalty.
2. The Cup and Prize Chairmen will decide disputes arising in play that cannot be settled by the players in consultation with a member of the Rules Committee. The Golf Professional may be requested to assist.
3. Resolve disputes and differences on the local level; do not call USGA.
4. Scoring disputes will be resolved prior to the presentation process.
5. All decisions will be final at the close of the prize presentation.
1. All Class Cup Tournaments are Net Tournaments.
2. Low Net player is always the trophy winner, even if that player qualifies for both Low Net and Low Gross. In that case, second Low Gross player will be awarded first Low Gross.
3. Low Net wins both the trophy and a money certificate. Prize payouts are based on the number of participants registered for each Cup Division. (A,B,C, or D).
4. All prizes awarded will be in the form of a Pro Shop certificate by the Host Club that must be redeemed by December 1. As of 3/15/24
1. There is an additional fee of $20 for team membership.
2. A maximum handicap index of 34.3 will be used for all team members.
1. Each team is comprised of four or six players and divided into two or three brackets.
2. Each bracket consists of two players. Each team must have 50% of the designated team members play in each match. A bracket may have 2 designated team members, 2 substitutes or 1 of each.
3. Teams are assigned to a division according to their November 15 aggregated index from low to high when possible.
4. Players will use their handicap index established 5 days before the event throughout the current team match season. Course handicaps will be determined 5 days prior to the match date.
5. A club is limited to one team in a division.
6. If more than one team is entered from a club, the lowest handicaps will comprise the first team and be assigned to the appropriate division. The next lowest handicaps will comprise the second team and be assigned accordingly, etc.
7. The maximum number of teams entered from each club is limited to the number of divisions.
8. Team rosters and proposed dates to host matches must be provided to the Team Chair by the date designated by the Team Chair. Changes made after the divisions have been determined must be justified and will require the approval of the Team Chair and the Executive Board upon consideration of the circumstances.
9. If it is necessary to change a team member (after the divisions are determined), the new member will have her handicap limited to the maximum index for that division. Substituted team members should, to the maximum extent possible, have an index similar to that of the player being replaced. Any changes to a team (after divisions are determined) will not affect the composition of the divisions.
10. If a team drops out after the team match schedule has been established, the schedule will proceed as released.
11. If a team drops out after the matches begin, all points scored against that team are forfeited.
Team Captains
1. Each Team Captain will determine the players in each bracket.
2. Team Captains will provide their lineups to the Team Chair and the host Team Captain no later than five days prior to play.
3. The host Team Captain is responsible for the scorecards. Computerized scorecards will be used. The host Team Captain will collect and retain all scorecards until the end of the season for collection by the Team Chair or the Golf Rules & Handicap Chair, if necessary.
4. Captains who will not be available during a match should appoint a team member to perform their duties.
5. Captains of each team should ensure their team members submit scores for each hole for posting on Golf Genius.
Regular Team Members and Substitutes
1. Unless given special dispensation by the Vice President and the Team Chair, regular team members must play at least 50 percent of the matches (rounded down).
2. Any member may substitute regardless of her handicap, but she is limited to the handicap index established for that division.
3. A regular team member of another division may substitute.
4. The team captain is responsible for the bracketing of the players.
Method of Play and Scoring
1. The method of play will be four-ball match play (governed by USGA Rule 23), playing off low ball of the foursome, using net scores.
2. An 18-point scoring system is used:
One point for each hole won.
One-half point for each hole halved.
Zero points for each hole lost.
3. If a hole is going to be halved, one player in the foursome must tee off.
4. Upon reaching any green, each player should announce the number of gross strokes taken, without regard to any handicap strokes.
5. An opponent may ask the number of strokes at any point in the match and the player must reply. Failure to reply disqualifies the player for that hole.
6. When course conditions are such that “Preferred Lie” or “Winter Rules” are in effect, USGA and local rules apply. The player may lift and clean the ball in her own fairway, placing within the specified area no closer to the hole. A player may place the ball only once and the ball is in play when it is placed.
7. On each hole, scores should be entered on the official scorecard and in Golf Genius. Each player must have a score on each hole. When a player does not hole out, they should note their most likely score on the hole.
8. Players must turn in their official scorecards immediately upon completion of play.
9. All scores will be posted by Golf Genius.
10. Good judgment should be used by team members in order to speed up play.
For example:
• A team may concede a stroke or a hole at any time.
• A partner who is out of the hole may pick up her ball.
Consider agreeing to play a shot out of turn to save time. Players may not make an agreement to play ready golf.
1. If a player is declared ineligible for any reason, her play is null, and void and her partner is not affected.
2. If a player is late, the match will proceed as scheduled. The late player may join the bracket at any point on the golf course, but she must start play on the next tee.
3. When two players scheduled to play in the same bracket do not show, splitting of two players is permitted. Once this split is made, it cannot be undone. Late players will take a place in one of the changed brackets upon arrival.
4. Unless given special dispensation by the Vice President and the Team Chair, if a team member uses a substitute in more than 50 percent of her matches (rounded down), all points earned by that team player and each of her substitutes in all matches are forfeited. Points won by each opposing team stand. The team player may be disqualified, and a new team member appointed for the balance of the season.
5. If fewer than three regular team members (for a six-person division) or two regular team members (for a four-person division) report for a match, and no exception has been given for unforeseen circumstances, the entire team may be disqualified for the season.
6. The Team Chair and Vice President will investigate the reason(s) for the default and render a decision as to elimination from further competition. If disqualified for the season, all points won by opposing teams will be nullified.
7. Should a team default by non-appearance at the final match, even if a rain date, all regular members committed to playing on that date may be declared ineligible for team play the following year.
Pace of Play – Flag System
1. The Flag System for monitoring pace-of-play will be used during each match. The Host Club is responsible for overseeing the Flag System and will provide one Monitor for each Division playing.
2. The Monitor should allow the groups to establish their pace-of-play for 30 minutes before beginning to monitor.
3. While monitoring, the Monitor should travel from the front towards the back of the field. Traveling against the field is less disruptive and allows the Monitor to determine if there is a gap.
4. If a group falls one hole behind the group in front, the Monitor will place a yellow flag on the tee box of the next hole. This flag informs the group they need to move back into position directly behind the group in front.
5. If the flagged group continues to lag behind after 15 minutes, they will be red flagged on the next hole. After receiving the red flag, the group MUST SKIP the flagged hole and halve the points for that hole. It is NOT required that 1 player tee off on the skipped hole.
6. The monitor should remove the yellow and/or red flag from the hole once the flagged group leaves the tee box. This will eliminate any confusion regarding which group has been flagged.
Postponement of Play
1. In the event of severe weather conditions on the day of the scheduled match, the host Team Captain and the host pro may postpone the match. If a match is postponed, it will be completed on the stated rain date.
2. If severe weather creates a potentially dangerous situation, such as lightning, on the course, players must discontinue play immediately. Players may, but are not required, to mark their ball.
3. If weather conditions, such as heavy rain/hail/wind, make it impossible to continue playing the full 18 holes, players should complete the hole they are on. If they are unable to complete the hole due to deteriorating weather conditions, they should mark the ball and discontinue play.
4. If discontinued play is resumed on the same day, each player returns to her position and resumes play where her ball was previously marked. If the spot where the ball is to be placed is impossible to determine, it must be estimated, and the ball placed on the estimated spot. If the hole was completed before discontinuing play, play will resume on the next hole. A substituted ball, rather than the original ball, may be used in each of these cases.
5. When a match is halted and play continues on a different date, every effort should be made to maintain the original lineup. Play resumes on the tee of the unfinished hole.
6. If the original lineup is not maintained, replacements must be justified, and permission obtained from the Team Chair. If a change is approved, the new player will complete the round of the original player using her own stroke differential within the confines of that division’s maximum index.
1. In order to be valid, ruling requests must be made before any player in the match plays from the next teeing ground or, in the case of the last hole of the match, before scorecards are signed and submitted.
2. Team Captains will decide disputes that cannot be settled by the players in consultation with a member of the Rules Committee. The Golf Professional may be requested to assist.
3. Scorecards should not be signed until dispute is settled.
Tie Breaking
1. On the final day of play, Captains of any team in contention for a first-place award will have their team members remain (or in the case of a team that is hosting but not playing) available until the final teams have completed play.
2. In the event of a tie for first place, there will be a sudden-death playoff starting on the first tee (unless the host club designates a different hole) to determine the first-place award winners.
3. Playoffs will start immediately upon completion of play by teams involved.
4. An entire team (all brackets) must play.
5. A single player may carry a bracket, but she must be a regular team member unless the bracket has been given an exception for that day due to unforeseen circumstances.
6. Each bracket will play the first hole, beginning with the A bracket followed by the B bracket and then C bracket. Play should continue until a monitor who is traveling among the brackets informs the brackets/teams when a winner has been determined.
7. In the event of a tie between teams for second place, the second-place award winner will be determined by a coin toss.
1. The name of the net winner of each division will be engraved on the perpetual trophy for the division and will be retained by that club for one year.
2. Awards will be sent to the appropriate pro shop following play at the final match in each division.
Revised: February 15, 2024
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